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Frugal Ways to Lose Weight

Weight loss has become a lucrative industry with all the books, tips, foods, supplements, and aids offered today. If you are trying to lose weight, but are also trying to save money, you have likely noticed that most weight loss products are fairly pricey.

Here are some money saving weight loss tips:

Drink More Water

Drinking water has been proven to help people lose more weight and everyone has access to water. Drinking water before meals will help you feel fuller, so you won’t eat as much, which will save you money on groceries (not to mention saving you calories). You don’t need to buy high-priced bottled water, just drink water from the tap. If your tap water isn’t good, buy bottled water by the gallon and don’t choose a name brand option.

Grow Your Own Food

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for weight loss, but they can be expensive. However, if you grow your own, you’ll save a ton of money. Seeds can often be purchased for as little as 25 cents per package. You can fresh freeze fruits and vegetables to use during colder months when gardening isn’t possible. Also, when you do buy fruits and vegetables, buy them only in season. Check farm stand prices too. You often get more for your money than you would at the grocery store.

Cold Milk

Cut fat and cut costs by purchasing lower fat milk. Skim is the least fattening and the cheapest, but for many people the taste is not very appealing. If the taste of skim milk leaves you cold, try 1% or even ½ % milk. It has a much better flavor while still offering low fat, low price benefits. Don’t cut out milk altogether as a way to save money. Milk has important nutrients, and recent studies indicate that drinking more milk will help you lose more weight.