You can have fun and save money too, when you take one of the following frugal challenges. Jump start your frugal lifestyle or just relieve a little frugal fatigue. Track your progress and share it with others, such as on our Families Facebook fan page! Which is your favorite challenge?
The Longest Lasting Challenge
When you open a new bottle of something, how long do you think you can get it to last? Can you make your shampoo last twice as long? What about your laundry detergent. How far can you make the things that you commonly consume go before there are no more uses? Track your progress and challenge yourself to make it last longer than you thought possible.
The No-Spend Challenge
How many days do you think that you can go without spending any money at all? Normal monthly bills, such as your rent or mortgage are exempt, but everything else pretty much counts including food. Can you go one more day out of the grocery store by cooking from your pantry? Can you repurpose something else when something you use breaks? How can you find another way to pay for something, such as gas, without using actual money or credit? How many days, weeks or even months can you go? This is more fun with a friend because you can share fun stories as well as bragging rights.
How Low Can You Go
Take any regular bill that is variable, such as a utility bill and challenge yourself to make it lower. Beat your score from the previous month. How low an you really go? Will you go to bed earlier to avoid turning on the lights? Can you challenge yourself to survive with the thermostat at 64 degrees? What tricks will you learn along the way, some that are keepers and others that are “what was I thinking” moments as you complete this challenge?
Have you recently tried a frugal challenge? Tell us about it.
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