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Fun Holiday Decorating Ideas for Kids

You need a big area to decorate in order to do this project. Your bedroom door will work perfectly! Cover the whole door with white paper. You can use the reverse side of wrapping paper to make it easy. Tape the paper securely to the top, bottom, and sides of the door (you can do both sides of the door if you like).

Add a wide strip of ribbon from one side of the door to the other. Add another strip from the top to the bottom, crossing over the horizontal (side to side) one. You can have the two strips cross directly in the center if you want to, or you can offset the vertical (up and down) one left or right a bit.

Gift tags holiday decoratingAttach a great big bow wherever the two strips of ribbon meet. Ask a grown up to buy a large decorative bow for you or to help you tie one from leftover ribbon. You can write, stamp, or stencil a holiday message onto the paper, or make a gift tag. Just cut a gift tag shape from a piece of construction paper. It can even be just a rectangle or a circle. Then, punch a hole in the end, thread some ribbon through it, and hang it on the door. You can write your holiday message on the gift tag.

Attach some dots of Velcro to the door cover or to the ribbon. The adhesive backing should stick to vinyl or plastic ribbon and shiny paper but you’ll need some glue to stick it to cloth (it wouldn’t hurt to use glue anyway, just to make it extra secure). Next, stick some Velcro to some red and green markers. Attach them to the door so that whenever anyone visits, he or she can write a message or sign his or her name on your door (on the paper of course!)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

For More Ideas, Click HERE.