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Fun Things to Do with Homeschoolers on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here, and everyone deserves a much-needed holiday. Just because you are relaxing and having fun, however, does not mean you need to stop learning. Here are some fun Thanksgiving activities that will keep your children busy, without feeling as if they are doing more schoolwork.

Do a Thanksgiving word search This will give everyone something challenging to do while waiting for dinner.

Read the story of Thanksgiving with your kids. There are many books you can find, but there is also this online version you can use. It also has a quiz the kids can take after reading or hearing the story.

Reenact the first thanksgiving being as historically accurate as possible. With proper research, you will find that a lot of the traditional thanksgiving story is untrue.

Have children help with the baking but hide all but one measuring cup so they are forced to calculate fractions.

Have kids write an acrostic poem about Thanksgiving. In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each consecutive sentence will begin with a letter from the word, in order.

Have kids rewrite their favorite songs as Thanksgiving songs. This can keep them occupied for hours. This website has some great examples you can use.

Play a game of Scrabble, but limit the game to words related to Thanksgiving. This will make the game extra challenging, but also a lot more fun than usual.

Create a Christmas letter with everyone writing a portion about his or her year. Also, get them all addressed and ready for mailing so that you will be ahead of the Christmas rush.


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