Thanksgiving is less than a week away. For some home cooks, Turkey Day meal preps are already underway. Given how much blood, sweat and tears are shed in order to create a sumptuous holiday spread for the entire clan, it would be nice to see it completely consumed.
If you are worried that your hard work in the kitchen will go unappreciated and that you’ll be stuck with enough Turkey Day leftovers to feed an army, consider getting the clan to partake in the following activities that are sure to work up their Thanksgiving appetite:
Pumpkin Sweep: Give each person a medium-sized pumpkin and a broom. Create start and finish lines that are fairly far apart. Have the players assemble behind the start line. Place a pumpkin on the ground in front of them. Using the broom handle, players try to be the first one to roll the pumpkin over the finish line. You can make this game more challenging by setting up obstacles that players have to steer the pumpkin around. If you have more than 10 players, run the game as a relay.
Pumpkin Ring Toss: Place four large pumpkins with long stems in a line or a random pattern on a hard, flat surface. Depending on the age of the players, designate a throwing line four to eight feet away from the pumpkins. Players then take turns throwing embroidery hoops or small rings at the pumpkins’ stems. The player who gets the most rings around the pumpkins wins.
Fun with Leaves: Put kids to work by having them rake fall leaves. Then, use the piles to create a maze in your yard. Have the children navigate the leaf maze and other obstacles such as jumping over piles of sticks, crawling over a pile of pumpkins and weaving through a line of wagons, wheelbarrows and rakes.
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