Do you remember the game you played at carnivals when you were little, where you had to squirt water into a clown’s mouth until the balloon above filled with air and popped? That was a lot of fun but there are other fun games your kids can play using squirt guns and balloons. Try one of these relay races! They are great for birthday parties, picnics, or just for some laughs, and they are also fun ways to cool off on a hot day.
Start by having one child from each team stand at the opposite end of the yard holding a balloon (use large balloons). Each child on his or her team will then run from the starting line to the child holding the balloon and squirt the water from his or her squirt gun into the balloon.
He or she will then run back to the starting line and tag a team member, who will repeat this process. The first team to fill the balloon until it pops or to empty their squirt guns wins.
Another option is to blow up some balloons and tie an extra long piece of string to the end of each one (so they don’t blow away). Tie the ends to a stick or use the garden hose. Lay the hose or the stick out to act as a starting line. Have kids line up and pick a balloon. Fill their squirt guns (super squirt guns work best). Children will then shoot their balloon with water and keep it moving until one child reaches the finish line.
*Each child should have the same size and type of squirt guns. You can often pick up small, simple ones at dollar stores and you can often find them three for a dollar.
*Check back soon for more fun ways to keep kids entertained over summer vacation!