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Fun with Bubbles

While simply blowing bubbles is a fun activity, especially for small children who tend to be fascinated by them, bubbles can also be a lot of fun for the entire family. Even I enjoy a good game of bubble tag once in awhile, or a bubble-blowing contest, and I’m not exactly a kid any more.

Bubble tag is a simple game in which the person who is “it” chases everybody else around blowing bubbles at them. The first person to be touched by a bubble becomes “it.”

You can also have bubble relays. Your entire family with be out of breath with laughter after trying to race a bubble across the finish line. Just pick a starting point, blow a bubble, and find a way to get it to the goal. Determine the rules in advance, such as you may or may not use your hands to guide the bubble.

Fun with Bubbles

Another option is to blow a bubble and catch it with the wand. Each player must then maneuver to cross the finish line with his or her bubble still resting on the wand. With either of these relays, if your bubble breaks, you must go back to the starting point and begin again. The first one to reach the finish line with his or her bubble intact wins.

So, what else can you do with bubbles? You can try making your own bubble wands from pipe cleaners, rubber coated wire, coat hangers, and plastic lids with holes cut through the center. Also, look around your home and yard and see what kind of cool objects you can use to blow uniquely shaped or extra large bubbles.

Use your imagination and ask your kids for ideas. I would love to hear what your family comes up with, so please feel free to share.