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Fun With Laundry and Towels

When I cleaned out our linen closet the other day I ended up making a huge pile of towels and sheets in the hallway. The kids laughed at the mountain of linens. I told them it used to be one of their favorite games, but they didn’t believe me. Truly though, if you have a toddler in the house, pile all the cushions, blankets, and towels together to make a mountain. They will have great fun climbing up the pile and rolling down. You can even sing mountain songs like “She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain” and “The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain”.

We also used to give the kids what we called boat rides in laundry baskets. With the twins we put one on each end of the basket. That’s hard to believe now, but they did both fit in the laundry basket at the same time. We’d take the sides of the basket and gently rock it back and forth. Or we’d take the end of the basket, make boat noises and push and pull the basket back and forth. The kids used to love that game.

With my oldest son, I used to carry him around in the laundry basket when I was putting clean things away. With the twins, I couldn’t do that because they took up too much room and were too heavy.

We have a dry climate in our area of Colorado. If I can, I always use the clothesline to dry our sheets and towels. It takes a lot less time, doesn’t heat up the house, and uses less electricity. Plus, when the kids were small they had fun running through the hanging sheets and towels. It was sort of like a maze for them.

None of these things are what I would call real activities or games, but it just shows how you can make fun in brief moments throughout the day, even with something as boring as towels and laundry.

Also See:

Keeping Toddlers Busy in the Kitchen

Dress Up Play for Boys

Spring Projects for Preschoolers