Poetry can be a lot of fun to write and read. Try some of these types of poems with your family. Then listen in amazement as your children surprise you with their creativity.
Limericks are fun to write, but can be more difficult. They are usually humorous. The trick to writing a limerick is getting the pattern right so that the limerick flows in the familiar singsong way.
All limericks have five lines.
The last word of lines one, two, and five rhymes.
The last words of lines three and four rhyme.
The pattern of stressed (S) and unstressed (U) syllables must be as follows.
U S U U S U U S (8 syllables)
U S U U S U U S (8 syllables)
U S U U S (5 syllables)
U S U U S (5 syllables)
U S U U S U U S (8 syllables)
Limerick Example:
There was an old man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe
He awoke in the night
With a terrible fright
To discover it was totally true.
-Author Unknown
A Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is usually about nature. It has only three lines.
The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line must contain 5 syllables also.
Choose a topic that your child wants to write about like the sky, a tree, flowers, rain, etc. Think of a line with just a few words in it. Then have your children clap to see how many syllables the line has. If there are not enough then add a descriptive word. If there are too many take a word out.
Haiku Example:
The tree sways slowly
As wind blows through its branches
Rustling the leaves.
Acrostic poems use the first letters of a word to create a poem. The poem usually describes the object whose letters are being used to write the poem.
Acrostic Example:
Frost fills the air.
Acorns cover the ground.
Leaves turn bright colors.
Life is settling down.
Cinquains have five lines. Each line has a different number of words and uses different ways to describe the subject of the poem.
Line 1: 1 word that is a noun (subject of the poem, person, place, or thing)
Line 2: 2 describing words
Line 3: 3 action words
Line 4: 4 feeling words or a phrase
Line 5: 1 word that is a synonym (similar) to the first word or same word
Cinquain Example:
Brown, big
Growling, pawing, hunting
Hungrily searching for food