I really love thick fuzzy socks. Every day when I come home from work the first thing I do is take off my dress shoes and put on the fuzzy socks. I tend to buy a lot of socks, because I like them but I have also found that in my house, socks have more than one use.
Fuzzy socks are great for dusting. Just put them on your hands and you can do two handed dusting in half the time. This works great for dusting any little figurines you have too, you don’t have to worry about them getting broken by your duster.
TV and computer screens benefit for sock dusting as well. These fuzzy socks don’t scratch and don’t need any sprays to do the job well. Socks work great for dusting light bulbs and railings too, anything that has lots of little nooks and crannies will benefit from a sock dusting.
In addition to dusting there are so many other uses for fuzzy socks. Now, just so we’re clear, I’m talking about the really thick fuzzy ones. They are perfect for sticking your curling iron in before putting it in your suitcase, just make sure it’s completely cooled first. You can also put your shoes inside fuzzy socks before packing to keep them from getting your clothes dirty.
When I move I use clean fuzzy socks for glasses instead of newspaper. You won’t have to wash the newsprint off them and if one gets broken, all the broken glass is contained in the sock.
Fuzzy socks are great for toddlers playing in the snow. Just cut open the toe and put the socks on over their boots and pants, an extra layer of warmth and it will keep the snow out of their boots.
There are many things you can do with fuzzy socks, but my favorite it still to wear them!