Having the right supplies on hand when you are out shopping the garage sales can actually make a difference in how much you save and the deals that you can get. Being prepared can really make a difference. Make sure that you have the following items on hand before you make your garage sale rounds.
My first piece of advice is to have as many of these items already in the car with you. Since you never know when you might come upon a great sale, this might be a good strategy. Of course, you can always fill a bag and then bring it with you when you are about to go yard sale-ing.
Dollar bills
When negotiating for a deal, you don’t want to pull out large bills to pay for your purchases. Single bills are a lot easier to work with too, and you won’t have to worry whether or not the owner of the yard sale has the right change.
But what about if you spot a higher ticker item, such as a piece of furniture. Paying a large purchase with dollar bills might not be the most convenient. Keep larger bills in a separate pocket, so you can take them out only as needed.
Keep a rolling list of your household needs and wants. This will help you avoid buying something you already have or passing up something you might need. While some needs are easy to remember, others, such as clothing sizes and colors, can be more difficult. Cross things off your list as you find them.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask the yard sale owners if they have anything on your list that isn’t displayed. Smack in the middle of a “let’s get rid of stuff” mode, they may be willing to pull things out of the house for you. A friend of mine got a bread maker that was still new in the box this way. My husband got a jig saw. You just never know.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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