Whether or not you should find out the gender of your baby ahead of time is debatable. Some women swear that waiting until delivery is the most exciting way to go; but other women insist that knowing ahead of time is the only way to be truly prepared. (Then again, I was supposed to be a “boy,” and my parents didn’t even have a girl’s name picked out. How’s that for being prepared?) Regardless, if you do want to find out ahead of time, you might be tempted to use one of these brand new gender tests that have been hitting the shelves lately.
The gender tests, which test your first morning’s urine, claim to be accurate from ten weeks on. One brand, Best Baby, is offering free tests to customers who agree to fill out a survey afterward. They must only pay shipping and handling ($9.99). Another brand, IntelliGender, is available in stores such as Walgreens and CVS for $34.95.
The IntelliGender test claims to be 90% accurate. However, certain factors may affect its accuracy, such as having unprotected sex within 48 hours, having PCOS or not using the test properly. Women with PCOS are advised to not bother taking the test on the test’s website. Best Baby claims 100% accuracy. I am leery of anyone that claims 100% anything, especially since my ultrasound tech wouldn’t give a 100% answer. Recently a friend of mine used the Best Baby test and it gave her a Girl result. She recently found out at an ultrasound appointment that she is having a boy. So much for 100% accuracy. Some have suggested that these tests are more for fun than anything else. Even if it is just for fun, do you really want to waste $35? After all, you can get an accurate answer from a 2D ultrasound for about $40 at a prenatal ultrasound center. For the cost, I think I would rather find out the gender and see my baby at the same time. But then again, I am a cheapskate when it comes to things like that.
Would you try out a urine gender test? Have you tried it? Did it give you an accurate result?