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Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of February 6, 2012

microphone It is time, once again, for the Genealogy Podcast Roundup. This is where to go if you are looking for new, and interesting, episodes of podcasts that talk about genealogy. It also will include podcasts that don’t always talk about genealogy, but have created a random episode that relates to an aspect of genealogy.

The Genealogy Guys released a new episode on February 1, 2012. It is episode number 231. The guys go over genealogy related news such as : “Who Do You Think You Are?” has a new season, Fold3 is providing free access to its Black History Collection in February, and more. They also read and respond to listener email, and give their reviews of some genealogy guides.

GeneaBloggers released a new episode on February 4, 2012. The episode is called “GeneaBloggers Radio Birthday Show”. It is hosted by Thomas MacEntee and “special co-host Ol’Myrt” of DearMYRTLE. GeneaBloggers is celebrating one year of radio. This episode was recorded live at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, during the RootsTech conference.

African Roots Podcast released episode number 148 on February 3, 2012. In this episode, host Angela Walton-Raji points out that Fold3 is giving free access to its Black History Collection during February, Black History Month. She also talks about upcoming workshops at the National Archives, and mentions the video broadcasts coming out of the RootsTech conference.

The National Archives has an episode that was released on January 31, 2012. This episode is called “Nineteenth century merchant seafarers and their records”.

The episode explains how a new website can help users understand the potential of the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen record series BT99. The talk is given by Valerie Burton, who is the chair of the Maritime History Research Unit at the Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

FGS has an episode that was released on February 4, 2012. This episode is called “Strategic Planning for Genealogy Societies”. This episode is hosted by George G. Morgan. It includes special guest Kenyatta D. Berry, President of the Association of Professional Genealogists. The episode also includes a live update of RootsTech from Randy Whited, the FGS Director and Education Chair.

Genies Down Under released episode number 5 for February of 2012. The episode is called “Newspaper stuff for genies: Read all about your ancestors”. The episode discusses the newspapers that are accessible to genealogists in Australia, as well as which overseas papers they can get access to. There is plenty of advice about how to do research with newspapers.

Image by Incase on Flickr