The Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts every week. Checking out this blog is an easy way to discover when new episodes are ready, and to find out about genealogy podcasts that are new, or new to you.
Genealogy Gems Podcast released a new episode on January 10, 2012. This is episode number 124, and it is titled “New Google Search, Newspaper Research”.
Part of this episode focuses on a new book called “Everything You Need to Know About Finding Your Family History in Newspapers”. It is a step-by-step process that walks you through how to get the most from this type of genealogy resource. The episode also covers news about RootsTech and book sellers, the schedule at RootsTech, and the classes that the podcaster will be doing at RootsTech this year. Details are given about the new, improved, blog search from Google. Some listener email is read and responded to.
GeneaBloggers released a new episode on January 13, 2012. This episode is called “Information Overload: Finding the Genealogy Data You Need”.
This episode is hosted by Sharon Sergeant, who specializes in investigative genealogy and research planning. She offers advice on how to wade through all the available genealogy research resources. Special guest Dan Lynch, (author of “Google Your Family Tree”), shares tips and tricks for making Google searches work for you. Special Guest Drew Smith (of The Genealogy Guys Podcast), offers tips on how to navigate through resources at libraries, archives, and repositories.
African Roots Podcast released episode number 145 on January 13, 2012. In this episode, host Angela Walton-Raji gives you tons of information about upcoming genealogy events that will take place in January, February, or March of 2012. She points out a new digitized newspaper archive that you can search through. She also mentions some upcoming deadlines for proposals at upcoming genealogy events.
FGS released a new episode on January 14, 2012. This episode is called “The FamilySearch Research Wiki and Your Genealogy Society”.
This episode is hosted by Thomas MacEntee. Special guest Lise Embley (of FamilySearch), will help you understand the FamilySearch Research Wiki, and describes how it can help your genealogy society. The Farifax Genealogical Society is featured in this episode. Their president, Lee James Irwin, speaks with Thomas MacEntee.
The National Archives released an episode on January 16, 2012. This episode is called “Histpop – the online historical populations report website”. This episode includes a PowerPoint show that went with their one day conference about the census.
Image by curtis.kennington on Flickr