Genealogists tend to enjoy gathering together a lot of information from a variety of resources. This works perfectly with an interest in listening to, or watching, genealogy related podcasts. You get to listen to, or watch, or discover interesting information related to genealogy, in both audio and video format.
This week’s Genealogy Podcast Roundup includes: news about a virtual genealogy conference, ways to involve young people in genealogy, Civil War genealogy, thoughts about reenactment battles, and a new genealogy video podcast.
Family Tree Magazine released episode 38 of their podcast on July 14, 2011. This episode is packed with information! Genealogy Insider Diane Haddad talks about the speculations surrounding the future release of the 1940 U.S. Census. Author David Fryxell shares some of his favorite genealogy websites from a list of 101. Editor Allison Stacy talks about Family Tree University’s Summer 2001 Virtual Conference. That’s just a few of the topics covered in this episode!
GeneaBloggers released a new episode on July 15, 2011. This episode is called: “Cool Ideas for Involving Youth in Genealogy”. This episode has a DearMYRTLE as a special guest host.
Joining DearMYRTLE are several other guests. Drusilla Pair (“Professor Dru”) from the Find Your Folks blog talks about a youth historical research project in Virginia. Nicka Smith of the Atlas Family Blog talks about teaching high schoolers in California how to trace their family histories. Jari Honora is a college student who shares his experience as a young genealogist. Elyse Doerflinger of Elyse’s Genealogy Blog shares her experiences as a young family historian.
African Roots Podcast released a new episode on July 15, 2011. In this episode, Angela Walton-Raji talks about Civil War history, Civil War battles, and ways that genealogists can get involved with doing some Civil War genealogy research. Does your family have ancestors that were involved in the Civil War? You should check out this episode.
The Living History Podcast is hosted by Alena and Stephen, two people who have each spent a lot of time participating in historical reenactments of one time period or another. This podcast is designed for the reenacting community, but genealogists can gain a lot of insight about the day to day lives of people who lived in certain times from listening to the podcast. It can give you a clearer picture of what your ancestor did all day long, way back when.
A new episode called “Being the Public” was released on July 13, 2011. The hosts attended the reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg and a Revolutionary War reenactment (that celebrated the 300th anniversary of Needham, Massachusetts). They share their thoughts and observations of these experiences.
Family History Show is a video podcast that you can find on YouTube. There are four episodes so far. The hosts are Dr. Nick Barratt and “Your Family History” Magazine editor Laura Berry. They talk about the latest genealogy news, and offer advice about how to do genealogy research.
Image by Tal Atlas on Flickr