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Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of March 5, 2012

iPods It is time for the Genealogy Podcast Roundup. Every week, this is where to look to find brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. Once in a while, there will be podcasts that don’t always focus on genealogy, but that have for one episode.

The Genealogy Guys released episode number 232 on March 1, 2012. This episode features the first set of interviews that host Drew conducted while he was at RootsTech 2012.

This set of interviews is with David Rencher (FamilySearch Chief Genealogical Officer), Lisa Also (expert on Eastern European genealogical research), Jay Verkler, (past FamilySearch CEO), and Dennis Brimhall (new FamilySearch CEO).

GeneaBloggers released a new episode on March 2, 2012. This episode is called “Telling The Story of Your Family History”.

In this episode features co-host Lisa Alzo, (of The Accidental Genealogist). One special guest in this episode is Carol Rice, (founder of Cherish Bound, and Executive Chair of the upcoming Story@Home conference). Another special guest is Lynn Palermo, (of The Armchair Genealogist in Ontario, Canada). Another Special Guest is Tami Koenig (of Your Story Coach).

The African Roots Podcast released episode number 152 on March 2, 2012. In this episode, host Angela Walton-Raji talks about upcoming genealogy events, points out new genealogy websites and blogs, and notes the importance of sharing your story in the African American History Symposium at Goucher College.

FGS has an episode that was released on March 2, 2012. This episode is called “Technology & Marketing Workshop for Societies”. The episode was hosted by Thomas MacEntee. It was done in the form of a call in show, where people could ask questions for the host to answer. The featured genealogical society in this episode is the Delaware Genealogical Society.

Genies Down Under has released episode number six, which is their March, 2012, episode. It is called “Graphics stuff for genies: Using images in your family photos”. The episode gives you information about tons of resources for graphics, and ideas of interesting things to do with your family photos.

Polish Genealogy Podcast released episode number 3 on February 28, 2012. This episode features an interview with Greg Witul, author of “Adorned in Light: The Stained Glass of Corpus Christi Church, Buffalo, New York”. The episode also responds to listener email, and covers some recent genealogy related news.

Image by Tony Unruh on Flickr