In his talk “All Men Everywhere” Elder Dallin H Oaks speaks about the recent challenge by President Gordon B. Hinckley to read the “Book of Mormon.” Elder Oaks speaks about the things that stood out to him as he read the “Book of Mormon” again. He said:
“Last year, at the invitation of a prophet, millions read the Book of Mormon. Millions benefited. For each of us there were blessings of obedience, and most of us also grew in knowledge and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom this book is a witness.
“Many other things were learned, but what was learned depended on the reader. What we get from a book—especially a sacred text—is mostly dependent on what we take to its reading—in desire and readiness to learn, and in attunement to the light communicated by the Spirit of the Lord.”
Elder Oaks speaks of six specific things, which can be learned through reading the “Book of Mormon.” The first is that God loves us all of us. It does not matter what nationality a person is, because God knows and loves everyone. The second thing, which the “Book of Mormon” teaches, is that the Savior invites everyone to come unto him. It does not matter if you have made mistakes in the past; He still wants you to come to Him. The third thing we can learn is that God will manifest Himself to people in all nations. Elder Oaks shared experiences of people in other countries who were led to the gospel.
Elder Oaks then shared that the “Book of Mormon” teaches us that Christ died for all men, so that they can repent and return to live with Him. The “Book of Mormon” also teaches more about the Abrahamic covenant. It shows us that all people who come unto Christ can receive the blessings that are associated with that covenant. It also affirms the scattering of Israel, because the people in the “Book of Mormon” belonged to one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Finally the “Book of Mormon” teaches us that not only does God manifest himself to all nations, but that He commands those He teaches to write down His teachings. It also teaches that other writings will come forth at a later date.
This is a wonderful talk. It explains many of the teachings of the “Book of Mormon” in a clear and concise way. I hope that you will take the time to read it, as well as the “Book of Mormon.