In her talk “Go Ye Therefore” Sister Silvia H Allred speaks about the importance of missionary work. She begins by sharing that the Lord’s call to all of us to share the gospel with those around us. The commandment that Christ gave when He was on earth is still in effect.
Sister Allred then shares the story of her conversion when she was just fourteen years old. She and her sister, Dina, read the Book of Mormon and came to the conclusion that the church was true. They made the decision to be baptized. Shortly after that they were called to serve as local missionaries. She went on to serve a full time mission.
Sister Allred then speaks of her grandson who was just baptized. He talked about the importance of her conversion, because it brought gospel into his life, long before he was born. Sister Allred then points out that each person who joins the church changes the outcome of generations to come.
Sister Allred challenges each of us to try to reach out more. She suggests that we refer to Preach My Gospel in order to learn ways to do this. She also suggests that we prepare our friends and family to reach out. She also invites us to invite our friends and family to our homes, and our activities. It is also important to reach out to those around us.
This is a good talk. Sister Allred shares personal experiences that really are inspiring. It is important that we are prepared to share the gospel and answer questions about the church when we are asked. At times we share the gospel with the quiet way that we live our lives and show kindness to others. I hope that you will take the time to read this excellent talk.
Related Articles:
General Conference: “Faith, Family, Facts and Fruits”
General Conference: “Preach My Gospel–The Unifying Force Between Members and Missionaries”
General Conference: “A Gospel Sharing Home”