In his talk “Lay Up in Store” Bishop Keith B McMullin speaks of the importance of preparing for the future. He begins by sharing the story of when he was a freshman in college. He learned through his chemistry class and his time on the football team, that he had not prepared enough. It was on his mission that he began to realize the importance of hard work.
Bishop McMullin goes on to speak about the importance of preparing for the Lord’s Second Coming. He points out that leading up to this there will be troubled times, but if we are prepared we do not need to fear. He speaks of three ways that we each need to prepare our families and ourselves.
Bishop McMullin first emphasizes the importance of building up our faith by keeping the commandments. He speaks of the little things such as paying your tithing and keeping the Sabbath day Holy. He points out that these acts help to build your testimony.
Bishop McMullin then speaks about the importance of “unencumbering your life.” Bishop McMullin urges each of us to lay aside things that keep us from putting God first. He also emphasizes the importance of getting out of debt.
Bishop McMullin then urges every member to lay up in store. He shares some wonderful quotes about the importance of food storage. He also shares an excerpt from a letter sent by Luca Vaccarono. The letter talks about the comfort and peace that having food storage has brought to his family.
This is a wonderful talk. I love that Bishop McMullin teaches the importance of both spiritual and physical preparedness. He encourages the members to check out the new pamphlets “All Is Safely Gathered In.” I hope that you will take the time to read this talk and to begin to prepare.
Related Articles:
My Confession About Food Storage
Why Aren’t You Preparing?
Now Is the Time to Prepare
Are You Spiritually Prepared?
New Pamphlets at
For more information on food storage check out the Preparedness Blog.