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General Conference: “Looking Back and Moving Forward

Looking Back and Moving Forward” Is President Monson’s first talk in which he addresses the entire church after he was sustained as the new prophet of the church. He begins the talk by sharing his feelings when he was first called to serve in the Quorum on the Twelve Apostles. He then explained what happened when he was called to be the prophet. He gives thanks for everyone sustaining him in his calling.

President Monson goes on to share his testimony of the gospel. He then shares the story of his great grandfather coming to Utah from Sweden. He speaks of the example that his ancestors were to him as he strived to live the gospel to the fullest. He gives thanks for his wife and his family.

President Monson then invites any who may have strayed from the gospel to come back. He invites them to feel of the Savior’s love for them. He encourages the members to welcome them back. He then encourages the members to focus on being more kind and loving everywhere, but particularly in their homes.

President Monson points out that the world can be a frightening place to live. He says that “we are waging a war against sin” and that if follow the commandments and the precepts of the gospel we will able to make it. This life is a period where we will be tested, and it is important to remember that Savior is there with us, even when we make mistakes. He closes his talk by bearing his testimony of the divinity of the Savior.

This is a beautiful talk by President Monson. Throughout the years I have always been touched by President Monson’s compassion and caring for all members of the church. It is wonderful to hear his testimony and the love that He has for the saints. I hope you will take the time to read this talk

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