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General Conference: “Out of Small Things”

In his talk “Out of Small Things” Elder Michal J Teh begins his talk by quoting Cain who asked “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Elder Teh goes on to reference the teachings of Alma that we must bear one another’s burdens, and comfort each other.

Elder Teh goes on to mention the story of the good Samartin and that it points out that we should help each other regardless of race, class or any other divide that may be present. It also teaches that we do not have to have specific qualifications to serve. Elder Teh also points out that many feel that the only way to serve is through elaborate projects, but we can find smaller, quieter ways to serve those around us every day.

Elder Teh relates a story from his childhood. There was a neighbor who would become intoxicated and throw rocks at his house. He was very afraid of this man. However, his mother often had the young adults and youth from the church into their home. When this young man was sober they began to befriend him. Eventually he joined the church and has served a mission and married in the temple. The young adults took the time to minister to someone in need. It did not take great acts to change this person’s life.

I thought that this story was especially poignant. It is true that the smallest acts can truly help and change others’ lives. It is important to be willing to serve. I also think it is important to not be afraid to offer your help when you see an opportunity. Often times it is easy to think that your small contribution will not make a difference. Personally I have experienced times in my life when the smallest acts of kindness have helped me immensely. I hope that I am able to do the same for others, even though I do not have hours each day to serve. I challenge you to read this talk and consider small ways that you can serve those around you.

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