General Conference was this past weekend. It was wonderful to be able to hear the words of President Monson and the other apostles for so many sessions this weekend. The talks were wonderful and very uplifting. Many spoke poignantly about the troublesome times that we are facing around the world. The ultimate message was one of hope and faith.
President Monson spoke about having faith during difficult times. He shared three stories of people who faced enormous trials, but were able to persevere because of the strength of their faith. The line that stood out to me from that talk is: “Your future is as bright as your faith.” The talk was very powerful, and moving. It was the Sunday morning session talk.
Additional topics that stood out to me were the need to visit the temple more often. Elder Scott’s talk on temples was especially powerful. It is important to realize that since so many people have temples close to them, that they should take advantage of the opportunity to attend more often. Elder Hales spoke on the importance of provident living. His talk was to the point and contained good questions to ask yourself to make sure that you are on track with that.
Elder Neil L Anderson to serve as the new apostle. Elder Anderson was serving in the presidency of the Quorum of the Seventy when he received the call. The vacancy was created when Elder Joseph B Wirthlin passed away last December.
If you missed conference the general sessions are already available to listen to on the Internet. Currently only the audio files are available on the Interest. The text for the talks will be available on Thursday. Take the time to study the talks and see how you can apply them to your life. The counsel of the prophet and apostles are blessings to us, and we should utilize it to its fullest extent. What was your favorite talk?
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