In her talk, “Strengthen Home and Family” Sister Mary N Cook speaks specifically to the youth of the church. She does point out that her message does apply to all members however. She challenges the youth to find ways to strengthen their homes.
She recognizes that some youth will be the only members in their families. She points out that it is even more important to be a good example and try to bring the family together this is the case. She goes on to remind the youth of a talk that President Hinckley gave earlier this year. He counseled the young women to “pray, study, pay your tithing and to attend your meetings.” She admonishes us to follow that counsel.
Sister Cook challenges the youth to consider which family member would benefit from them praying for him. She also asks them to consider how attending Sacrament meeting can help their families. She encourages the youth to follow the counsel outlined in the family section of the For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet.
Sister Cook shares the story of her family. When her brother was on his mission he wrote home expressing his desire for the family to be sealed together. Sister Cook wanted this as well. Her parents took the letter to heart and began to prepare the family to receive this sacred ordinance. The family began to study the scriptures together and have family home evening. They were able to be sealed together.
Sister Cook uses this example to encourage the youth to try to make a difference in their families. She also encourages them to establish good habits and to be good examples. This will help to form eternal families.
This is a great talk. It is important to realize that we all influence our family for good or for bad. It is important to be the best influence that you can possibly be. I hope that you will take the time to read this important talk.
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