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General Conference Talks Now Available

Well they are finally up! The text version of last weekend’s General Conference is now available at the church’s website. I have been waiting anxiously for them to come available, because to be completely honest it is a little hard to listen with a one-year-old, and four-year-old climbing all over you. I just love General Conference each talk teaches me about a different area in my life so that I can continue to grow and develop.

One of the best things I did one year was to set a goal to read one or two talks a week, and then to find some part of that talk to apply to part of my life. That was such a good year. I really felt in tune with the spirit and I gained a greater appreciation for the apostles and other authorities of our church. You can feel our Father’s love as you listen to the words of our church leaders. As you pray for insight and understanding, it will come. It is a wonderful thing.

This year I am going to set that same goal. I am going to read a talk a week and apply it to my life. I will share some of my insights or talk about some of my favorite points in my blog. I challenge each of you to do the same. I know that you will grow spiritually as you apply these inspired words to your life. One thing that has helped make this effective for me is to keep a journal of my thoughts, and what I chose to work on and how I’ve changed. It is great to go back and read about the spiritual experiences in your life, because it really can help to boost you up in times of need.

So did you have any particular favorite talks or topics that really struck home to you? I really enjoyed Elder Russell M Nelson’s talk “Nurturing Marriage” and President Hinckley’s talk “Seek Ye the Kingdom of God.”