In his talk “The Great Plan of Happiness” Elder Earl C Tingey talks about the importance of the atonement and how it helps us to return to live with our Heavenly Father. He also talks about how knowing the plan of salvation or the plan of happiness helps us to understand our roles here on earth in relation to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Elder Tingey says that there are five things that the plan of happiness teaches us. First, it teaches that there really is a God and a Savior for the world. Second it teaches us why we came to earth. We came to earth to gain a physical body and prove to Heavenly Father that we can learn to return to Him. Third, it teaches us that through the Atonement of the Savior we are able to repent of our sins in order to return to our Heavenly Father. Fourth it teaches us about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We learn that there are two deaths: a physical death and a spiritual death. Fifth it teaches us that Jesus Christ came to Earth to fulfill the Atonement for us.
Elder Tingey says this about the Atonement:
“The Atonement is an event that enables us to be reconciled to God. The word atonement, or “at-one-ment,” means to restore or to come back. In terms of family, it means to be reunited with one another and with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It means sadness through separation will become happiness through reuniting.
“In conclusion, I share the words of President Boyd K. Packer: ’If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness.’”
This is a wonderful talk that breaks the plan of salvation or plan of happiness into the basic parameters. It brought back to my mind the wonderful peace and sense of purpose that this knowledge can bring to life. Since I have grown up with this knowledge it really surprises me when I talk to people who have struggled with the questions that are answered through the plan of salvation. People wonder why we are here on earth and what the purpose of life is. This talks helps to explain how the gospel answers these questions. I hope that you take the time to read it.