In his talk “I Am Clean” President Gordon B Hinckley speaks to the Priesthood holders of the church. He opens his talk by sharing how the church has grown since he was sustained as prophet twelve years ago. He encourages the men to continue to work to share the gospel with those around him.
President Hinckley then shares a story about Joseph F Smith. President Smith dreamed that he was running late to a meeting, and he felt a great need to hurry. He realized that he was dirty and as he reached his destination, he noticed a place to bathe himself. He did so and then put on clean clothing. As he arrived at his destination he was told that he was late. President Joseph F Smith replied, “But I am clean.” He goes on to say that in his dream he saw his father and other people who he knew had been exalted. President Hinckley said,
“The core of that meaningful dream is found in the reproof given by Joseph Smith to young Joseph F. Said the Prophet, ‘Joseph, you are late.’
“Replied Joseph F., ‘Yes, but I am clean—I am clean!’
“The result of that dream was that a boy was changed into a man. His declaration ‘I am clean’ gave him self-assurance and courage in facing anyone or any situation. He received the strength that comes from a clear conscience fortified by the approbation of the Prophet Joseph.”
President Hinckley then emphasizes the need for each of us to be clean. President Hinckley speaks specifically about the importance of being clean as you perform the duties of the priesthood. He then speaks about the need to have clean language. He goes on to emphasize the importance of having clean thoughts.
President Hinckley also emphasizes the importance of being clean in body and dress. He points out the importance of having clean well cared for clothes rather than the latest styles or fashions. He discourages members from receiving tattoos as well. He warns the boys and the men to stay away from the degrading things on the Internet.
This is a wonderful talk by President Hinckley. Although it is addressed to the Priesthood brethren it applies to each of us. It is important to be clean in all ways. As we are spiritually clean we are better able to listen to the promptings of the spirit. Additionally taking proper care of ourselves helps us to be good examples to those around us.
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