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Get a Clue (2002)

clueFirst a Disney Original Movie aired exclusively on the Disney Channel, “Get a Clue” is now available on DVD to enjoy anytime. Lindsay Lohan stars as Alex Gold, a reporter for her high school newspaper. Right now she does the advice column, but someday she wants to cover the hard news, like her father does. The editor of the school paper, a boy her age named Jack (Bug Hall) thinks that her stories are fluff, and she’s determined that someday, she’s going to break a major story and become a real reporter.

She’s already on her way – she discovered a romance between two of her high school teachers, Mr. Walker and Miss Dawson, and was able to get a picture of them on a date. When Jack wouldn’t run the story in the school paper, she sent it in to a junior journalism contest in the local paper, and was featured prominently. Taking pride in her accomplishment, she had no idea the trouble her story would cause. That very night, Mr. Walker goes missing and his car washes up in the East River.

Alex finds it very strange that the day her story runs in the paper, her teacher should go missing. Not only that, but she had witnessed a fight between Mr. Walker and Miss Dawson just that day as well. She and Jack decide to team up to investigate and clear Miss Dawson’s name – it appears that the police are considering her to be a prime suspect.

Personalities collide as Alex and Jack try to work together. Jack is down to earth, lives in Brooklyn, dresses casually, and holds Alex in contempt. Alex is from the rich part of town, dresses in designer clothes all the time, has never even ridden the subway, and holds Jack in contempt. As they hunt down the information they need and collect clues, they find a lot to respect in each other and a friendship starts to grow.

Using a computer that Mr. Walker gave Jack, the kids find evidence that Mr. Walker is in trouble deeper than anyone had guessed. By the end of the show, they have solved the mystery, the bad guys are in jail, romance has been restored, and Jack has gained an appreciation for Alex’s wide and varied wardrobe. It was a cute movie, more geared toward the preteen set than to older viewers, but I found it highly enjoyable.

Also starring: Charles Shaughnessy.

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