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Get Coupons for Allegra and Free Pollen Alerts

allegra You know that old saying: “April showers bring May flowers”? If you have seasonal allergies, then you are aware that May flowers bring pollen. Allergy season is here. You can get coupons for Allegra, a commonly prescribed allergy medication and sign up for free pollen alerts at the same time.

This is the time of year when many allergy sufferers are engaged in battle with their worse nemesis: Pollen. All those “April showers” have started to produce flowers that are blooming, and spewing their pollen into the air. You can see it floating by in chunks that are large enough to be easily visible to the naked eye, which is quite disturbing, when you think about it. That yellow, sticky, coating that covers your car in Spring is most likely made up entirely of pollen.

If you, or someone in your family, suffers from seasonal allergies, you may find yourself purchasing more antihistamine right now than you otherwise would. One of the most commonly prescribed allergy medications is called Allergra. It is now available as an over the counter medication. Prescription medication can be expensive, so it is always a good thing for your budget when you can get your allergy medication from your local drug store, over the counter, without having to see your doctor first.

Right now, you can go to the CVS website and sign up to get coupons for Allegra. These will be sent to you by email, whenever the pollen count goes up where you are living. In other words, the coupons will arrive when you need your allergy medicine the most. In addition to coupons, you also will get email alerts when the pollen is high.

Personally, I don’t happen to use Allergra, but I am seriously considering signing up anyway, just to get the pollen alerts. The first thing I do after waking up is check my email. I like the idea of getting a pollen alert that way. It sounds a lot more convenient than searching through the various other websites that give information about allergy conditions, and a lot quicker, too.

Image by alamosbasement on Flickr