Still in need of some get healthy now tips? Here are a few more to kick-start you on your way to a better you:
Eat more fruits and veggies! Every meal should contain at least one fruit and vegetable. We are supposed to have between 2 and 4 servings of fruit each day and between 3 and 5 servings of vegetables each day. Add up what you’ve had on any given day and it might frighten you (it has me!).
Dry-brush your teeth. It may sound odd, but just 30 seconds of dry brushing your teeth (no toothpaste) can cut your tartar by as much as 60 percent. Dry brush, buff, rinse, then brush with toothpaste as you normally would. Remember – healthy teeth help keep you healthy!
If you love ketchup, use the darker kind. That’s because it contains more lycopene, a phytochemical that helps fight cancer.
Check for melanoma. One of my friends went to the doctor last month and had a huge section of skin on her leg cut off for one small melanoma. Thanks goodness they were able to get it all! Be sure to check your feet too. As odd as that sounds, I’ve heard that advice twice in the last month. Even check the soles of your feet. Even though they may not be exposed to sun much, you can get melanoma there as well.
Take a multivitamin. This is especially important if you aren’t getting all those daily servings of fruits and vegetables! Getting enough vitamin D (400 IU daily) can reduce the risk of early death by 7 percent, according to an Archives of Internal Medicine report.
Don’t eat fast. So many of us are so rushed, we just stuff food in our mouths at a rapid rate. But, that can cause you to over eat. So next time, take your time – you will probably eat less.
And, if you want to eat less, try using a smaller plate. Amazingly enough, plates (and drink glasses) have gotten enormously large over the past few decades. That causes us to eat more and more (the whole “clean your plate” mentality).
But, don’t skip breakfast. Surveys have shown that people who eat breakfast each morning are more likely to keep off weight they’ve lost that those who skip breakfast.
Take a fish-oil supplement. Studies have shown that it can be good for both your heart and mind health. That’s because it contains the omega-3s DHA and EPA.
The thing to remember is that just a few small changes like these can add up to a healthier you.