If business is really about relationships, those relationships start and end with names. First names, last names and correct spellings. While it might not mean the success or failure of a million dollar deal (or it just might), getting people’s names right can be a very big deal. So, what happens if you are not by nature great with remembering people’s names?
I did not used to be as bumbling with names as I can be now. I like to think it is because I have lived long enough to know enough people that remembering their names is a bit more challenging. But, this doesn’t explain why some of my friends and peers are remembering names as grandly as they ever did! What I have noticed is that people respond well when their names are remembered, and they appreciate it when we spell things correctly and remember both their first and last names.
I wish I could give you a magic trick for remembering names, I know that books have been written on the subject but I have found that what works best for me is rather academic–I try to repeat the name as soon as I’ve heard it and get a business card, if possible. If that is not possible, I write the name down as soon as I can. If it is a common name that can have different spellings like “Cathy”, I will say something like, “It is so nice to meet you Cathy–do you spell that with a ‘C’ or a ‘K’?” This does not guarantee that I will remember every name, but it makes it more likely that I will. The next time I see them, I will be able to call them by the correct name. I also think it is perfectly alright to ask a few people in order to figure out someone’s name prior to talking to them–just make sure they don’t see you asking around.
I also think it is well worth it to take the time to double-check the spellings of names when you send an e-mail or a note. It can be as simple as shuffling through your business cards or googling someone or it may take a little more research. Spelling someone’s name correctly may not bring much notice, but if you get it wrong, they will be sure to notice it.
Also: Nametags and Networking go Hand-in-Hand