We often talk about motivation here in the Home Business blog—ways to get energized and stay focused on building our home businesses. Some days, however, we may not feel particularly energized and staying motivated may be a huge challenge. There are those days when what we really need to do is just get ourselves dressed and show up—whether our heart and energy are in it or not.
I really do believe that things cannot always be a joy and a romp. I also believe that sometimes, the secret to success and well-being is to simple get up, get out there, and do something—brush your hair, brush your teeth and show up. You might not be inspired and you might not actually do anything except hold things together for one more day—but that is far better than staying in bed, hiding out or giving up. Going through the motions is sometimes far better than doing nothing at all.
I know that there are those who will argue with me and say that a person should not do anything if their heart isn’t in it, but I do not think that is reasonable. In fact, I think it puts a great deal of unfair pressure on the ordinary person who is having all of the ordinary emotions and ups and downs that we all get. We all have mopey days; we have days where we are wondering why on earth we ever started the business in the first place and what were we thinking?! Instead of giving in to despair, however, I do think that if we just get ourselves going and make an effort, we will not only feel better for it (who doesn’t feel better when she meets obligations instead of flaking out?) but we will probably advance our businesses without really trying.