A scrapbook is a wonderful keepsake of baby’s first year of life. I have made a scrapbook for each of my four children. We have so much fun looking through them and the kids love hearing stories about my pregnancy and their babyhood.
Starting a scrapbook with a new baby in the house is difficult. Finding the time to work on it can feel impossible. Start your baby’s scrapbook now. You can plan out the pages and add pictures and text later. Once you know what you want to include, it will be easier to get organized later.
Go shopping for a scrapbook, stickers, letters, paper and any other embellishments you want to use on your pages while you are still pregnant. You will have time to browse through the craft store. After baby arrives, your trips will be harder to plan and will have to be kept short. Now is the time to look around at your leisure and find inspiration for your book.
You will want to include items and mementos from your pregnancy in the baby’s scrapbook. You may want to start with the ultrasound pictures. These pages can be completed before the baby is born. The last weeks of pregnancy seem to drag on and on. If you have a fun project to keep you busy, this time will be more bearable. Starting the scrapbook will give you a fun project to keep you busy while you are waiting for baby.
Consider devoting a page or two to your baby shower. Ask the hostess or one of your guests if you can have an invitation. Take a few pictures of the decorations and baby shower favors. Add a few pictures of you opening the gifts and some of the guests. This is a great way to remember the celebration of your pregnancy and the excitement of the day.
If you have the nursery decorated, you can take a few pictures to add to the scrapbook later. This will save you time and you won’t forget to take them in the busy early days when your baby first comes home. Make a list of some of the pages you want to include later. This will help you when taking pictures later. You will be more organized and can purchase stickers or paper to match the theme of the pages. Some ideas for pages include:
* Welcome Baby
* Coming Home
* Baby’s first bath
* Baby with siblings
* First smile
* First teeth
* Ceremonies, such as Baptism or infant dedication
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