Are you someone who cannot wait for Halloween? This is one of those holidays that people either love, or despise. A lot of people plan out what they are going to be on Halloween almost a year in advance. Many talented people plan out elaborate costumes, and start putting them together right away. For some families, part of the fun involves having everyone dress up in a Halloween costume. This often includes the family dog. has a sale on Halloween items for your dog.
It is my understanding that dogs, just like people, either love or hate Halloween. My sister’s dog, for example, doesn’t enjoy wearing a Halloween costume. She also does not tolerate when her favorite humans wear a costume. I remember one Christmas when a close friend of the family was wearing a headband that had reindeer antlers. My sister’s dog sat by his feet, and cried over him. Apparently, she felt bad for him, because someone made him wear that thing on his head! Other people have dogs that not only tolerate being dressed up for Halloween, but seem to really enjoy it!
If you would like your dog to participate in the fun this Halloween, you should check out the Autumn Sale at They have three cute costumes for dogs this year, made by the Vo-Toys company. Choose from a creepy, (but still cute), spider costume, a classic devil costume, or a hysterically funny chicken costume. The devil costume only comes in small, and costs just $13.49. The chicken costume comes in small, medium and large, and prices range from $12.99 to $18.19. The spider costume fits medium or large sized dogs, and the price ranges from $16.99 to $31.99. Type the word “coupon” into their search engine to get a coupon that will save you 30% off of Vo-Toys Doggies Duds Halloween Costumes. When you are ready to check out, enter the coupon code: COSTUMEDEAL.
You can also pick up some Halloween inspired plush items, designed for dogs to play with. Choose a “Well Dressed Bear” that is wearing a hat and a sweater that has a Halloween design. Both designs are on sale right now for $7.99. Or, get a Halloween Scarecrow Plush N Rope toy for just $6.39. They also have a Halloween Bat with Spider Web wings for $7.19. All of these deals end October 31, 2010.
Image by istolethetv on Flickr