I don’t know about you, but I have more ideas than I ever get down on paper or get implemented. Of course, there are certainly dry spells, but there are other times when I come up with all sorts of innovative ideas for my home-based business–but few ever actually make it into practice.
Possibly because I work alone and don’t have weekly staff meetings or other group brainstorming sessions to keep me motivated, many of the ideas I come up with never see the light of day. I imagine that is how it is for many home business owners who might not have the time or know exactly how to implement ideas for a better business. Plus, doesn’t it always seem that the best ideas pop into one’s head when showering or one is otherwise NOT in a position to do anything with the grand idea?!
Keeping a journal or notebook of ideas is the best way to make things don’t get lost. Think of it as an investment in your business’ future. Since you may always be brainstorming or problem-solving around how to improve your business–keep a little spiral notebook or journal with you wherever you are–this way you can jot down ideas you read about at the library or book store, or ideas that may come to you while waiting in line at the grocery store. If you carry around a date book, having a notepad tucked inside where you can write things down might be ideal.
Writing those ideas down is just the beginning–you also have to put enough stock in your ideas to give them a try. Perhaps setting a goal of trying one new idea a week, or five a month–will give you the structure and inspiration to get those ideas out of your head…and into your home business!
Also: Do You Know What You’re Hoping to Accomplish?
So, How Successful Do You Really Want to Be?