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Getting it Wrong.

When you look at the bible, are you encouraged when you see how often the disciples got it wrong? I am. It assures me God won’t give up on me when I get it wrong, any more than he did with them.

In Matthew 18:1 the disciples came to Jesus with the question, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ I wonder what answer the disciples were expecting. Whatever it was, I bet it wasn’t the answer they got. How often does the Lord answer our questions and our prayers in a way we don’t expect?

Jesus called a little child and told the disciples they needed to change and become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven, verse 3. What are the characteristics of children that the disciples and we, need to emulate?

Jesus names one – humility, verse 4.
Others might include:
Complete trust
Being prepared to accept the impossible as possible
Accepting God’s gift without question and trying to earn His favor.

What an encouragement this passage is too for those who work with children. It shows the value Jesus puts on this ministry, verses 5 and 10. However with this, also comes the responsibility of being a good example so that we do not lead or encourage them into sin, verse 6. This warning and responsibility applies as much to parents as it does to those who work in children’s ministry. Look at how seriously Jesus views this, verse 6-9.

See how important children are in God’s sight, verse 10. This is a real put down to those who do not value children or consider children’s ministry as important enough to devote time to.

In the parable Jesus told, we find the great love God has for the sinner. Thankfully He does not leave us to wander off on our own but seeks to bring us back to Himself, verses 12-14. Do we have that same concern for those who have wandered from the fold? Do we pray for them and for God to bring them back?

Many a rebellious teenager or adult has been brought back to God as believing family, friends or church members, have prayed. Is there someone you need to be in fervent prayer for? Will you take time now to pray and make a pact to continue in prayer for them?

Bible verses from The New International Version

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