One of the best ways to increase traffic and visitors to your business Web site is through links—but how can you get more hot links that will encourage and attract visitors to your site without spending an arm and a leg? Here are some suggestions for increasing the links to your business site:
While you can pay for web advertising that will include a hot link to your Web site, you might not have the budget to do very much of this. Keep in mind, however, that you can probably get online web advertising for cheaper than you would pay for print or more traditional media advertising—AND, you get the link to your business’ Web site. However, if paying isn’t something you can afford to do, look for ways to build partnerships, relationships and “reciprocal” trade agreements with other Web sites and businesses. You can offer a link to their page from your Web site, in return for the other business or site offering a link to your site. This will mean some additional maintenance and upkeep on your part to make sure that the links you have listed remain active and don’t link to “dead” pages.
Also, include your Web site address or link in any articles you write that are published online (if this is possible), in your e-mail signature or tag line, and with other work you may do online. If you belong to a site or online community that provides you with the opportunity to create a profile, include your Web site in your information. This way, people can quickly click and link to your business site.
If you have friends or family members with Web sites—personal or business—see if they will provide a link to your site. This is just a more modernized version of the old “word of mouth” way of creating buzz and marketing.
You may find that once you start to think creatively about ways to get your link out there into cyber space, you come up with all sorts of new ideas. I’d love to hear some other great ways of increasing traffic to a Web site and getting more opportunities for linking!
See Also: Considering Classified Advertising and Using E-mail to Promote Your Business