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Getting Other Adults to Invest Into Your Teen’s Life

I truly believe that our teens need other adults to invest into their lives. While at one time grandparents were usually the outside parental influence in a teen’s life, today that has changed. Many grandparents are still working, live far away or are otherwise engaged in their own lives.

If a teen doesn’t have the advantage of an involved grandparent, then parents may need to look elsewhere. Of course, care and caution must be exercised when deciding on who will invest into your teen’s life.

I am so thankful for the wonderful youth program available at my church. It not only provides opportunities for fun activities but positive role models. However I have also learned that sometimes you have to ask another adult to get involved in your teen’s life.

Over the past few years, I have tried to get two older teens to invest into the life of my 17-year-old son. But he is a hard nut to crack. He is very difficult to get close to and only has a couple of good friends in his life. He is more of a homebody, quiet and shy. But if someone would be willing to give it a chance, they would discover so much more to him.

I give those older teens credit. They tried…they really did. But they didn’t feel like my son was interested so they eventually gave up. I couldn’t blame them. I knew it would take a special person to be able to stick through it.

Recently some issues crept up that caused me to pursue another male influence in his life. I remembered a particular youth sponsor, a man in his 20’s, who my son mentioned talking to in the past. Put it this way, if my son makes mention of someone, it means something.

So I asked the youth pastor if he would contact this youth sponsor and ask him to invest time into my son’s life. It has only been about a week and already I see a difference. He has my son interested in doing something I would never in a million years have expected…possibly going on an upcoming mission’s trip to Haiti.

I have learned that parenting a teen isn’t something that I can do alone. Even with a loving, involved father in his life…we still need help. I am not too proud to reach out and ask for that help.

Do your teens have another adult investing in their lives? If not, won’t you consider asking someone to?

Related Articles:

Teens Are Not Hopeless

You Are Not Alone

Are You My Mother?

Photo by matchstick in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.