Many women use birth control for many years before they decide they are ready to have a baby. When they stop the pill, they expect to get pregnant right away. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. Women can be very surprised to find that they don’t get pregnant right away. After years of trying not to get pregnant, they may expect to have it happen very soon after stopping the pill.
Most doctors will tell you that the birth control pill won’t affect your fertility. The message is that you will ovulate within a month or two after stopping the pill. This doesn’t always happen. For some women, it can take some time for the hormones in their body to get back to normal and regular ovulation to resume. Other women may have had problems with ovulation prior to going on the pill. These problems will often return after the pill is stopped.
For some women, it can take some time to resume a normal cycle of periods after using the pill. If you are experiencing irregularities with your cycle after stopping the pill, call your doctor and make an appointment. This may be normal, but it’s better to be seen and find out for sure.
Depro Provera is a long term birth control option. If you are on Depro Provera and want to get pregnant, it won’t happen over night. The hormones are continuously released in your body. The shot is taken every three months to keep the levels sufficient for preventing pregnancy. When you stop taking the shots, it can take a year for your fertility to return to normal.
If you are on birth control and want to get pregnant, you need to realize that it may take many months for your body to return to normal. If you have no period, irregular or heavy periods, call your doctor. If there is a problem, the sooner it is addressed the better for your fertility.
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