You have probably heard about a million different ways to get chewing gum out of hair, clothing, carpet, and off of furniture. I have probably tried most of those methods. Some work, some don’t, and some just make a bigger mess.
Here is a method that nearly always works, at least well enough to remove most gum, and it won’t cost you a thing or make a bigger mess. This method will also work for wax and will usually help remove tar.
All you need is simple ice cubes. Apply ice to the affected area and completely freeze the offending substance. When the sticky mess is hard, begin to scrape it away. A plastic paint scraper works well. If after removing some of the substance the underlying layers are still sticky, apply ice again until it gets hard.
You should be able to remove most of the mess easily with this remedy. If traces of gum remain, apply concentrated Goo Gone and rub gently. Another orange oil cleaner can be used, but I personally swear by Goo Gone.
For tar, you will likely have to apply Goo Gone a few times to remove all traces. Begin by testing it on an unnoticeable area to make sure it will not stain the fabric (although a small stain would still look better than a blotch of gooey tar). If the oils discolor the fabric, you should be able to remove the oil residue with a clean, damp rag and a few drops of dish washing liquid.
*You may have heard that peanut butter works for removing sticking substances. It can in some cases due to the oils in it, and I recommend it for gum in hair, followed by at least two good washings. If oil remains, try washing with dish soap.