“Getting Started” is a brand new track of presentations and workshops for beginning genealogists. This is a good way for beginning genealogists to jump into RootsTech and learn a lot about genealogy! Here is some of what to expect on Day Three of RootsTech 2013.
RootsTech 2013 will take place on March 21, 22, and 23 of 2013. Each of the three days will have a whole lot going on, including special “Getting Started” presentations and workshops for beginning genealogists. If you are attending all three days, then you won’t miss a thing. However, if you are getting a 1-Day Pass, it might be helpful to know what is being offered each day, so you can choose the day that has the most interesting stuff.
Timeline Creation Applications is a presentation for beginning genealogists. It will be presented by Tammy A. Hepps. As you may know, Facebook has a Timeline. It has inspired people to create more timelines around people and historical events. This presentation will let you explore those tools to better understand your ancestor’s lives in the context of history.
Finding Your Ancestors Online in U.S. Census Records is a presentation that will be given by Kip Sperry. Beginning genealogists will learn how to effectively use U.S. online census records to discover their ancestors.
FamilySearch Family Tree is a presentation that will be given by Ron Tanner. In this session, you will learn about Family Tree features in FamilySearch and how you can get access to them. You will also learn “how we can stop the duplication by working together to preserve the most accurate genealogy for generations to come”.
Beyond Home Movies: Genealogy will be presented by Patricia Mosely Van Skaik. In this presentation, you will discover the latest practices for discovering, capturing, creating and sharing family histories through the online platform YouTube. This same presentation will be available on Day 1 of RootsTech 2013.
Recording and Preserving Family Stories Using Your Hand-held iPad, iPhone, iPod or Android Devices will be presented by Susan A. Kitchens. This same presentation will also be held on Day 1 of RootsTech 2013. You will learn how to use your iOS device or Android smartphone for storycatching and recording audio of family interviews. You will get a review of apps and attachable microphone options. There will be a demonstration of recording and processing audio on the handheld device and how to transfer it to your computer.
Image by superstrikertwo on Flickr