Paying attention to the details can be a plus. There is nothing wrong with tending to the ordinary, daily details of life and, as a matter of fact, it can be extraordinary helpful for a single parent to have good attention to detail. The thing is, however, that too much of anything can be problematic. We can get so fussy about the details that we lose sight of the big picture.
What might getting stuck in the details look like for a single parent? Well, consider if you are so focused on your “to do” list of daily details that you do not notice if your child is having a bad day or in need of emotional support? Life has to be more than just checking off the obligations or crossing things out in your datebook or calendar, there has to be room for the emotions and human needs that pop up unpredictably. Clinging to what we think “should be” happening does not help us deal with what really is happening.
I also think that we can get stuck in the details and not be making positive change in our lives. By fussing over the little things like whether the carpets are clean and the laundry is all washed and folded, we might keep ourselves from “thinking bigger” or moving on. While I do believe that there can be a lot of spirituality and sacredness in tending to the every day needs and details of family life, I also think that too much focus and intense attempts to control every single detail can be unhealthy and can cause us to get stuck and bogged down. We might need to shake things loose or let go of some of our supposed control in order to create some change and “lightness” in our single parent families (and in our lives.)
Also: Take Advantage of a Clear Mind First Thing in the Morning
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