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Girls Night

In a previous blog I wrote about how moms can stay connected to their girlfriends by having a movie-themed girls night in. The October 2006 issue of Parenting offers additional girls night ideas.

One idea is to have a wine tasting party. The hostess decides on the type of wine and then everyone brings a bottle. Each girlfriend also brings along cheese and crackers.

A clothing swap is another great idea, providing you and your girlfriends have the same taste in clothes and wear about the same size. Everyone should bring a bag of clothes (in good condition) that they no longer wear. Everyone then gets a chance to go shopping with any leftovers being donated to charity.

Another great idea is to have a craft night. No this is not a night to start new projects but a night for everyone to bring a current project they are working on. I could have used a craft night when I was pregnant. I never did get around to finishing crocheting Tyler’s baby blanket, a project I started when I was about three months pregnant. I kept telling myself that the reason I didn’t finish is because I went into labor early but the truth is I lost my enthusiasm for the whole idea after about two weeks.

The last idea is a pie party. Each person brings a different type of pie or ice cream. I love to eat so I definitely like this idea. One reason this is suggested is that it’s a great idea for busy moms who can’t commit to a whole night for an entire dinner.

There are many other ways to stay connected: potluck, a tea party, a coffee break. Let’s face it, we need our girlfriends; they help keep us sane. If you meet regularly with your girlfriends, that’s great keep it up. But if you can’t remember the last time you had a girls night in (or out), don’t let another month go without re-connecting. I know, I know the holidays are coming and everyone’s going to be busy but are you really that busy where you can’t carve out some time, just one hour even for your friends?

What do you do when you get together with your girlfriends?

See also:

Five Ways To Have Friends Scrapbook With You