A few days ago, I reviewed the redacted file that the state gave us when we adopted four of our boys. It has the photographs that were taken of the three oldest children when the state removed them from the place where they were living. Seeing the pictures enabled me to benchmark where they were then and where they are now.
Our oldest was four and a half when this occurred. He was aware of their living conditions and I can see fear and anxiety on his face in the picture. He was very anxious when he came to live with us, but he is much better now. Occasionally, he has anxious moments, but we know the signs and most of the things that can trigger his feeling that way. These times do not happen very often any more.
The next child in age was easily panicked and prone to frequent fits and rages when he came to our house. His photo reveals that he had never had a haircut in his two and a half years. His hair was braided but very dirty. At first, he would get hysterical if anyone like a doctor or nurse tried to examine him. He was living in constant fear. Today, he is a very happy six year old, who still does not like to get a shot.
The third child was completely shell-shocked when he came into our home as an eighteen month old. He needed and demanded constant attention. His very curly hair had never been cut and it was matted. Today, he is our “brain child” and best behaved. He has absolutely no signs of the trauma from his early life.
All three of them needed physical therapy. Evidently, they had not had the opportunity to run and play that much. They each responded very well to several years of “in home” physical therapy. Today, they are very active boys. They do all of the things that little boys do like ride bikes and skate boards, wrestle and climb trees.
I am so thankful that state investigators removed them from where they lived. They now have all the opportunities that all children deserve. The Lord only knows how many children in Houston still need to be rescued. If you take in a child from the foster system, try to focus on what he will become and give him time to heal.
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