We cannot always be chipper, eager and happy home business owners. In fact, I do not think it is possible to start a business and never get frustrated or discouraged. We try so hard to give good customer service and say and do the right things that we can put incredible pressure on ourselves to be happy all the time. Baloney! Sometimes we just need to have a good cry—we just need to try to do it when the clients and customers are not standing by.
A couple years ago, when I was still working in nonprofit management, I remember comparing notes with another development director who worked in my community, but for a different agency. She was telling me about working and working on a budget for a large grant only to be told at the last minute that the agency did not want to pursue the funding. I asked her what she did and she answered coolly: “Well, I sat down and had a good cry…and then I went back to work.”
It is not just women who cry over work-related issues, and there is a place for releasing some of that pent-up frustration about your business operations. After all, most of us are at home where no one is going to see us if we do have a big crying breakdown anyway. Let it out and let it go, you’ll feel better when you do. I think that some healthy release can be the very thing that keeps us from breaking down IN FRONT of a client or customer or getting angry or lashing out when it is inappropriate. Process your feelings, let the tears flow, soak a few pages of that rejection letter or your invoices and then you can straighten up and get back to work!