Since we are now saved by grace and by what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross, are the Ten Commandments irrelevant? I believe we can learn a lot from God’s blueprint for life.
Exodus 20:1-17
1. God prefaces His commandment not to have other gods, verse 3 by reminding the Israelites of who He is and what He has done for them in the past. Given their spectacular rescue from Egypt, the Israelites had reason enough for them to trust and worship God.
We also have ample reason to trust God and worship Him. It is good for us to look back over our past and the way God has brought us. To consider the way He rescued us by sending Jesus. John 3:16-17, Romans 5:6, 8
2. The Lord will not give his glory to anyone or anything and commands the Israelites and also us as God’s people, not to set other things in God’s place. For us today we may not have idols of gold or silver but our material possessions can take precedence. Even work or family can become the driving force in our lives and therefore become an idol.
What in your life consumes most of your waking thoughts and time? This will show you what you are concerned about – what is top priority in your life. Could this be an idol you need to eliminate in your life?
3. The Israelites were warned to have a proper respect for God’s name and not misuse it.
Similarly we need to have a proper reverence for God’s name. It is not to be used lightly or inappropriately.
4. God commands the Israelites keep the Sabbath holy and free of work, to enable them to focus on God as well as to rest.
In today’s society this command seems to have been largely ignored as shops and businesses remain open seven days a week. God knew people need time for renewal and refreshment. Not only is not healthy to work every day, it means that we are depriving ourselves of time for and with the Lord. Think about how you can incorporate a day of rest into your schedule, allowing time with God. Time to stop and listen. Otherwise God may have to take drastic measures to get our attention.
5. The first four commandments concern God’s position, person, name and day. That these are the first commands shows what our priorities should be. The next six commands involve our treatment of others. If we put God first in our lives, then our treatment of others will be affected accordingly. We need to get our priorities right. God first, then parents, our husband and wife relationships, community and neighbors. Our love for God must affect all our attitudes and our relationships and contacts. Is this the way your proprieties are ordered? It is the way God has commanded and we know that what God commands always works for our best.
My Way or God’s Way?
The Bible: The Word of God, not of Men
Why We All Need a Sabbath
Temperance: A Godly Balance