I really think that there is something instinctive in mothers that makes us hate to hear our baby cry so much. Studies have shown that moms experience a rush of hormones when a baby cries inexplicably or is left to cry. Cortisol and even adrenaline rush through us as we seek to comfort our dear little babes.
This is in part, why it’s so distressing to leave our baby in the hands of someone else when he is crying and upset. As long as mothers have had to leave their babies in day care, there have been babies who cry when they are getting dropped off. Sometimes too, they cry when they’re getting picked up which makes us poor moms think that our children hate day care and we should quit and stay home. While I think that anyone who can stay home, should, I also have a few tips from day care providers on what to do for your baby to help ease the transition for him and for you.
Do Your Research
Take the time to really research all of your options. You may find that an in home nanny is cheaper than day care. You may find that you can work from home. Or you may still find that an in home day care is a better option. Regardless, take the time to do your research. If you feel confident that the crying is merely separation anxiety, and not something that is more seriously wrong with the day care situation, then leaving your child on a rough morning will be easier on you.
Though They Cry, They Shall Not Die
It sounds harsh–especially when it refers to your baby! But the reality is, that generally once you’re out of sight, your baby is fine and happy and playing. In fact, he can really like his day care, and still wail away when you leave him there. Chances are very good that your baby was up and running around shortly after you left and didn’t give you another minute of thought while you were gone during the day.
Run Mornings Smoothly
Make sure that there is some bonding time built into the morning and in the evening. I know that’s tricky when you’re talking about working moms. We tend to feel like the more we bond or ‘attach’ the more we’ll have a clingy and less independent baby. But actually the opposite is true. The more you bond, the more independent and secure your baby will feel. Make sure to check back soon for more tips on dropping your baby off at day care!
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