I am very lucky in that I mostly work from home. I know that saves our family a lot of money on gas, and of course, the environment with my van staying put in the driveway. I still do enough driving getting my kids to school and to activities, but I also try to save on gas when shopping at stores. I try to pick stores that are closer to me.
For those who drive to work there are some ways that you can go green. I know that most of us can’t afford to go out and buy a brand new hybrid. Of course, if you can, and you are in the market for a car, that would be the way to go. At the very least, getting a vehicle that is fuel efficient helps.
There are other options out there, too. Carpooling is one option. The more people involved in a carpool the more money saved and the less emissions released into the environment. Public transportation is another option. The cost to ride the bus can be a lot less than spending money on gas and parking. Of course, a healthier alternative would be to bicycle to work. Even scooters can save money.
Another way to save money and save on consumption is to bring a lunch to work. Before I had children I worked at a life insurance company that housed a huge cafeteria. There were all kinds of yummy selections. Unfortunately, I usually chose the least healthy items and spent a ton of money. When we started our family and were discussing if I could quit my job and stay home, all I had to do was think about the cost of gas, parking and those unhealthy lunches and the answer was easy. I would definitely save money staying home.
I have tried, unsuccessfully to get my husband to take a lunch to work. He constantly forgets to grab it in the morning, but I recently read a tip that might help others. If the lunch is kept in the refrigerator put your car/house keys on top of it. Sure, they might be a little cold when you take them out, but at least you know you can’t leave the house without them, and then you will remember your lunch.
These are just a few ideas to get you thinking green as you go to work.
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