Have you wondered whether or not your home business should expand to include clients and customers from nations outside the United States? Those of you who do direct sales, have a revenue-generating Web site or sell items through E-bay may already be dealing with the realities of running an international business. There are considerations, however, when you start to do business in other countries.
Laws very from place to place and this includes laws affecting doing business internationally. You’ll need to do some serious research to find out what the laws and regulations are that might affect your business. If you are simply selling items to a customer in another country, it may not be a big issue, but it would be worth your time to find out what sort of items are okay to sell and ship, and what the regulations are.
Shipping and mailing is one of the most common issues facing those who find themselves doing business on an international level. It may be as simple as making sure you are charging the appropriate shipping amount, allowing or providing insurance for items shipped, and using the correct mailing materials. But, if you are going to sell to customers in other countries, you’ll want to check out how to do things correctly. This may also mean that you charge additional shipping and handling for items shipped overseas or to another country since it may take more of your own time and effort to process the product.
Working with various currencies can be incredibly confusing. You can take a trip to your own bank, however, and there should be someone there who can help you understand exchange rates and give you some in depth information on how to manage money in your business when you are working with individuals in other countries. It is a good idea NOT to try to do exchanges and do business without first getting some guidance from your banker about how to handle the money part.
With the advent of the internet and the world wide web, it is easier to get into international sales and business than ever, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take the time to make sure we are operating “by the book.” It is a good idea to check with your financial advisor, local chamber of commerce, library and/or legal advisor just to make sure you know what you’re doing if you decide to take your business international.