Making the decision to home school is not easy. You know you’re flying in the face of traditional education, and you know that you’ll be making huge sacrifices in time and energy. You’re prepared to rearrange your entire schedule – in fact, your entire life – so you can begin this new journey. You get the books, you figure out a study schedule, and you feel as though you’ve thought through every contingency. You’re totally set.
And then it happens. Someone, usually someone who cares about you and only wants what’s best for you, challenges your decision, and you find yourself having to go on the defensive.
Sometimes you can calmly explain your reasons and reassure them that you are making your decision wisely. But sometimes … sigh.
I’ve been in situations where someone has challenged me, and while I’ve known that deep down, they are good-hearted and they are just trying to help, they’ve ended up saying things that have been very hurtful. I’ve even been in situations where I wasn’t sure at all that the person was interested in my welfare, but rather, was so intent on being right that they didn’t care if they were being offensive. And, I’m sorry to say, I have had a few knock-down, drag-out fights, all in the name of defending my right to homeschool.
I’m not a very confrontational person, as a general rule. But when it comes to my kids, and to the strong sense I have that this schooling choice is right for me, I can dig in my heels. I know my viewpoint isn’t always popular, and I know I’ve offended some people who don’t see things my way, but when it comes to my choices for my family, I feel the need to stand strong behind my decisions. I don’t take anything I do lightly, and if I have to weather some guff, well, then, I will weather that guff.
Most of the time, the questions I’m asked come as a result of natural curiosity. I wish that was always the case. I wish I could talk with other parents and have an exchange of thoughts and ideas, rather than offense and defense. But if the occasion calls for it, I will go to the mattresses. I know I’ve made the right decision for my family, and I will stand strong behind it.
Related Blogs:
Public School or Homeschool: Who’s Right?
Homeschool Legal Defense Association
At Odds: Teachers and Homeschooling Parents