Somehow I missed the news last week that Rosetta Stone program had introduced an online learning option called Rosetta Stone TOTALe
This program delivers Rosetta Stone directly to your browser and requires a high speed internet connection.
Rosetta Stone TOTALe consists of three parts.
1. There is RosettaCOURSE which is comparable to the traditional CDrom version many homeschoolers are already using. It teaches languages through the immersion method which teaches the language in a whole language approach.
2. RosettaSTUDIO allows users to practice with other learners in an online environment and also with Coaches in one hour sessions. Finally homeschooling students learning a language foreign to their parents can have people to speak to.
3. RosettaWORLD has games, chats, and real time exchanges with native partners adding a social community aspect to the program.
That was the good news. The bad news is that it costs a WHOPPING $1200.00 per year. It is discounted $200.00 for an introductory period making it $1000.00 for a short time.
I don’t know whether to be excited or sad. The additions to the program can be very valuable for my high school age homeschoolers. My son has taken homeschool Spanish in a classroom setting and learned little. He also went through the Rosetta Stone Level 1 twice before he felt comfortable and is now moving on to Level 2. I think we could have saved alot of stress had the new upgraded program been available to us a year ago.
I am tempted to sell my box version and subscribe to this, but not for $1000 or more a year per child. Granted, they will have access to more than one language (I believe), but in this economy, this price is a alot to swallow.
It would be better for homeschoolers if Rosetta Stone set up an online subscription service for $20 to $50.00 per month. We only need access to one or two languages at a time at most and I would be willing to pay maybe $70 a month for my two kids to use the program. Meanwhile I paid about $400 a year ago (if I remember correctly) for Rosetta Stone 1 and 2 for the two kids co they would make a lot more money off of me with a subscription.
If this program does interest you, check with your local library and homeschool groups. I am starting to hear rumblings of library access and group rates.
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